Friday, June 24, 2011


1) snake like robots
2)spider like robots
3)legged walking robots

most of today's robots operate with a program written by humans. in order to develop a robot that can think and move like a 5-year-old, we have to first understand the mechanism of how human brains work,' mitsuo kawato, chief of the computational neuroscience laboratories at the kyoto-based advanced telecommunications
research institute internationa said, admitting the difficulty of his project. 'that will be equal to understanding human beings.'

the project was inspired by the popular robot animation series'tetsuwan atom' by the late cartoonist osamu tezuka (unlike cartoonist tezuka's 'atom' character, known as 'astro boy' overseas, based on an image of a 9-year-oldboy, the atom project aims to create a humanoid robot with the physical, intellectual and emotional capacity of a 5-year-old that would be able to think and move on its own). the researchers say it would help promote scientific and technological advances in japan, just like the u.s. apollo project, which not only succeeded in landing men on the moon but contributed to a broad range of technological breakthroughs - a project of this magnitude would inject much-needed vigor into a nation depressed from years of economic slump.

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