Friday, June 24, 2011


According to normal thinking : for making a racing robot it required base ,motor and controlling circuit etc. So I introduce how to make a racing robot & requirement ?
Steps ->
1. Design (Base)
2. Motor & transmission
3. Electronics(wired or wireless circuit)

1. Design (Base): For Racing Robot the design is simple such as rectangular , triangular circular etc.

2.Motor :-> For racing use DC motor (college level) .In racing robot use -> 300 RPM , 12 V DC motor .

Electronics circuitry :->
There are two type : 1 . Wired 2. Wire less circuit
Required some component for wired circuit.
1 -> power supply (DC 12V & 7to8 A( current ) )
2-> remote circuit
3-> motor driver circuit
1-> power supply : for power supply use transformer & battery .
a)-> transformer : for power supply use step down transformer (that convert 230 V AC to 12 V AC) and use rectifier circuit (four diode are required).
Rectifier circuit :->Use four diode (Rating of diode 1N4007 maximum current are follow 7 A ),capacitor (12 V to 15 V & 1000 micro. F).Rectifier circuit are use for convert AC supply to DC supply

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